So I'm 14 weeks pregnant with our 4th (yeah, 4th!) child. Now, I know that every child is a blessing, it's just been a bit harder to accept being pregnant this go around. Not only were we not trying, but we thought we were protected. Way to go Trojans, thanks! It's also a bit harder on me this time because 19 months ago I made one of the hardest decisions of my life. I choose to move away from home (HOME, people) to be closer to my husbands side of the family which he had so dearly missed. At the time I was just grateful that I had been able to give birth to all my babies in my hometown with my friends and family all there for support. (My husbands family of course traveled to show their support too) The move from Carthage, NC to Chambersburg, PA hasn't always been an easy one and I will admit to not always adapting the change very well but, I think I've given it a good shot. Now, we're still trying to get our feet on the ground so we might be awhile longer and we might not be. We are pretty unsure right now what the future holds. But one thing I'm sure of is this, June will be here before I know it and it looks like this baby wont be calling NC it's birth place. Soooo, here we are. Where this journey will end, that I'm not sure.
To find out or not to find out? The sex of the baby that is. I think it would be fun not to know what we are having until the birth. We found out as soon as possible with our last 3 children and I have never regretted it. But the suspense this go around I think would so much fun!! My husband (although not much a plan ahead kind of guy) I don't think could take it. It would make picking out names even harder than it has proven to be in the past. We have totally different taste when it comes to picking out names. Well, maybe we just both have very strong opinions as to what is tasteful and what isn't. It's always the hardest part for us. I can't imagine us agreeing on names for both sexes. I mean sure, we begin talking about names early like I think most couples do. But committing to one name or another is so much more serious when you know what your having. I was practically in labor with my son before we agreed to his name (Logan William,) Okay, maybe I wasn't quite to the hospital yet, but 33 weeks is a little to close for comfort, don't cha think?! It was for me anyway. Well stay tuned kids, the best is yet to come.
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