Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 26

Well, here we are at 26 weeks pregnant.  About the size of an eggplant is what I read this morning.  Average size:13.6-14.8in, and 1.5-2.2lbs.  For next 3 or so weeks, the baby is working on his/her immune system while their eyes are also developing.  I also read that the baby's heartbeat might be audible without a stethoscope.  I've yet to ask anyone to try that, at little skeptical to tell the truth.  Jeremy might think I'm a little crazy it I say "go ahead put your ear to my belly, you might hear the heartbeat of the baby.  Oh well, I guess we'll try it.
I took this picture while the kids and I were at the Reservoir Park yesterday. I thought it turned out pretty good. Still feeling pretty good, expect for some pain in my bones.  I know it sounds strange, but apparently my bones "down there" are stretching!  And let me tell ya, it hurts!  But other than that, I feel great and get around just fine.  I feel tired most afternoons, but only sometimes get to indulge in a good ol' nap. 
I'm beginning to feel the need to "nest" but maybe that just has something to do with knowing that I don't have much of a choice once the kids and I get back to PA, we have an entire house to unpack.  I think all my "nesting" needs will be satisfied by the end of it all...hahahha.