So upon reading others blogs lately, I've made an important discovery...I'm an idiot. I want for my readers to get the same satisfaction that I do when reading everybody elses. Instead, my readers come to conclusion that "she did not graduate from a 4 year university. And although I in fact did not, I did go to school and I did earn two degree's. And there is no reason for such a limited amount of skill. I once excelled in my English glasses and often kept peices that I wrote because well, they earned me high marks and I was proud of them. So what's my problem now?! I want my post to be both interesting AND entertaining. Just because I'm a stay at home mother shouldn't limit my content nor the ability to make even the post about my kids more entertaining...note to self, invest in a thesaurus. Not only are my blogs totally boring and written like that of a 6 grader (at best), but I don't even take the time to make my fonts or templates fun. It's time for a blog make-over. While I'm really not all that creative, I'm going to start there anyway because making my post more enjoyable and thoughtful is going to be a work in progress. I may not be the sharpest pencil in the box, but I refuse to wear a shirt that says so. So, here we go kids. If I haven't already lost you as a reader, it's time for you to get your popcorn poppin', sip on your cola and hunker down for bigger words, wittier comments and either a post that makes you think about it for a little while, laugh, relate to, or even perhaps shed a tear.
P.S Okay, so maybe not tomorrow. It's a "My Monday" post day and it will probably consist of the same pregnancy update as usual. But, I'm working on it, PROMISE! And if anyone knows how I can get more options to use as templates, that would be super helpful!
Hey question: what are english glasses?? i must have missed that glass in high school!