Monday, January 17, 2011

Our lil Sweet Potato

  Well, I have just recently found on the Internet a cute little way of knowing "about the size" of baby while preggers by comparing the fetus to a fruit per week.  Neat, huh?  Shout out to Becky!  Last week at 17 months the baby was about the size of and onion and today at 18 weeks, he/she is the size of a sweet sweet :)
  I'm now beginning to feel "flutters" in my tummy.  Once or twice now, I've been able to hold my hand in a certain spot on my belly and feel some movement.  I really cant be sure if the movement is kicking, or rolling, but it's something and it's very comforting.  Jeremy and I have decided not to find out the sex of baby Mickey until the birth.  I'm so excited...but not everybody is.  My best friends' husband said "that's mighty inconsiderate of you"!  Sorry to burst the bubbles of all those who don't like to wait, but Jer and I are kicking it old school style this time.  I mean it's the fourth kid for heavens sake, gotta do it different some how right?!  Here's a picture of baby bump (or bulge) at 18 wks.  He or she is about 5.6 in and weighing in at about 6.7 oz.


  1. I love seeing your baby bump pics, can't wait to see whether or not you're having a Mr/Miss Potato!

  2. Love that. I wonder what 'fruit' they are at 40 weeks. Jaxson was a 10lb. baby ( born 1 day after his due date. =)

  3. Yes wait it out!! That will be a GREAT surprise for you guys. Kelly and I wish we had waited to find out, but "somebody" gave in....LOL
