There is no going back, so I will try not to dwell on the past and the decision we came to then to leave. But some of my very best memories were made in this very kitchen. This is 116 Edinburgh Dr. And in this picture my family and I are making oatmeal cookies. Something Reese, Logan and I did on many occasions. Only this time we had a photographer in the room capturing the moment because we new we were nearing the end of our days in this house. The moment was bitter sweet for me. I love the pictures but I hated why were taking them.
My husband and I got married on a beautiful day in late May and this was our new residence. We started out lives here. We began being Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Mickey right here in Dundee Est. It was a beautiful beginning in more than one way. A couple of years later, we started our family here. I will never forget the day we brought each one of our children home from the hospital. We shared Thanksgivings with the family, birthday parties, and summers in the yard splashing in the kiddy pool. Our family roots started right here on that pine straw covered soil.
But my roots began to form in this house long before my marriage. This was the home of my very best friend and her family while we were growing up. I spent nights watching movies, eating popcorn, staying up late with Shay laughing, and talking. Ate Hardees biscuits in the morning that her dad were bring for us. Stood around the piano listening to Rick and Shay playing. Here is were I would try to learn as Shay's family would teach me to Shag to beach music. Shay and I would sit on her parents bed talking with her mom about what our future as a young adult might hold. My roots began there long before I even new it. I never dreamed that one day I would actually own the very home that help build me. A blessing I will never forget.
Although I can't change the past, leaving was the hardest thing I've ever done. Letting go is a process that I'm not yet done with. But I do have memories, pictures, and the warmth of knowing that more love and support imaginable was created in that home and I was blessed enough to receive more than I deserve.
Great post. I didn't know you moved into Shay's old home. That's a GREAT story, to tell the kids. Hope your enjoying PA.