Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm back

Well, it's been almost a week since my baby, Rosie left us.  We are still missing her (especially at night) but it's fair to say that we are doing much better.  It's one of those things you get through much easier with the support of your spouse.
  Anywho, on a much lighter note,  here are some pictures of our Valentines that we are sending out to family and friends.  Valentines Day has never been a big deal for me.  But a couple of years ago I watched a good friend of mine enjoy the holiday with her girls and her attitude totally changed mine.   I now look forward to it a little, and I totally have fun with Valentines.  In fact, I think of Athena alot around this time of year.  I know this is one of her favorite holiday's and I imagine how her house is decorated and the fun things she's planned to do with her girls this month.
  Happy Valentines Day everyone!

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