Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Soap Box

  So, one of the "hot topics" in the news today is the sudden sky roket in teenage pregnancy.  There is one report of a high school in Memphis where 90 girls there are pregnant.  That's 20 percent of the schools female population.  I watched a young mother from this school being interviewed for the Today Show.  16-year-old Tarika Sutton is new mother and isn't surprised my the high percentage rate at the high school she attends.  As she holds her precious new born she states to the camera "It ain't nothing new.  Some girls do it cause they think it cute.  And some do it on accident".  On a quick side note:  Tarika, please stop skipping english class honey.

  Here's my big problem, other than the obvious.  Why isn't it just the girls fault or problem?!  Sure, later in the Today Show when Meredith Vieira interviewed both a psychiatrist and a psycologist and it was mentioned that both male and female parties need to be educated on sex and prevention of pregnancy.  It was also mentioned that many of the young lady's feel pressure from the young men (I use the terms lady and men losely).  However, lets go back to what Tarika said.  It's in her opinion that girls either do it on purpose or it's an accident.  WHAT, "Girls do it"!  Yeah, like she did it all by herself! 

  The Today Shows interview is just one of many that I have heard in the last week.  And it each one seems to start off with the same tone:  "Why are so many of these girls getting pregnant?"   It's not just girls getting pregnant!!!  The question should be:  "What the hell is wrong with these teenagers?!"  I mean, boys and girls.  I mean, where are the fathers in these interviews?  Why aren't they being called out and questioned on air?  I just feel that once the males are mentioned it's a total afterthought.  "Oh by the way, the boys are also responsible and both sexes are in need of some serious sex ed".

  I don't know why this particular topic hits a nerve with me so badly.  It's all I can think about in the past few days.  The entire issue bothers me, not just what I have written about.  I'm by no means naive to think that we could possibly educated, scare, or threaten these kids or the generations to come, enough to prevent early pregnancy all together.  Face it, people have sex.  Even the preachers daughter and/or son get caught with their pants down before they should.  But for heaven sake, what the crap?!   It's not just the schools responsibly either.  Why are there so many irresponsible or gullible parents out there.  I'm also not trying to pass judgement.  I too could find myself an early grandmother one day.  But it won't be for lack of trying to educate and instill in my children values and morals.  We all have our own ways of raising our children and we all have our own beliefs.  I personally, am a christian and my husband and I are raising our children in church and practicing the teachings of God from the bible as best as we can.  And like I said before, that doesn't mean I think all kids raised in that enviroment are invincible to making less than smart decsions.  This isn't about stereotyping.  I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that even if a child wasn't raised in this way or a similar manor, that the loved ones of the kids wouldn't find this to be an alarming topic none the less.  It's terribly alarming that so many teenagers are sexualy involved.  I know we can't just put locks on all their groins until their wedding day.  But really?! That many parents aren't involved enough with their kids lives or they simply don't care or worst yet, they encourage the behavoir for various reasons?  I'm shocked, appallled, and in my heart of hearts, I hurt for all involved.

  It's not just about getting pregnant, or even acquiring an STD.  It's about dealing with issues too young.  Both boys and girls losing their innocence and dealing with the emotions of being sexually involved with someone.  Yes, I realize that it tends to be more emotional for girls rather than boys but, no one can convince me that it doesn't effect that young man somewhere, deep inside each and every time. 

  Back to my main point.  I wish someone out there would have enough responsibly to interview both the teenage female and male whom are BOTH responsible for getting themselves pregnant.  And I don't mean the MTV's series (although, I admit it's my guilty pleasure).  Although I'm on the fence on whether or not shows like "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Mom" glamorize the issue, I will agree that it is not an adequate story telling both sides.  Case and point "Teen Mom".  Haven't seen the trailer for "Teen Daddy" lately, or how about "Teenage Parents"?

  I think that's all I have for now.  I at least feel better.  I have no desire in any ruffling the panties of anyone or striking up a heated debate.  I sincerely hope that I have not offended anyone or come of judgemental in any way.  But I am curious to hear what you think.


  1. It doesn't surprise me in the least that so many are getting pregnant. I do however think that alot of the shows (like Teen Mom) make it look fun and exciting to have babies. I think it's something that will always be an issue and only grow in numbers. As for the BD (baby daddy) there really needs to be way more focus one them. It takes to baby!

  2. With girls getting paid so much to be on shows like Teen Mom it's no wonder girls want to do it, they just taped an episode where I live at an arcade, can't wait to see that one, sheesh.

  3. I agree 150% I think shows like Teen Mom's make it look WONDERFUL to have a baby. The kids THINK its there ticket to fame, and they get PAID to be on it. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out, that the girls WANTED to get pregnant to get there own show, or some STUPID reason. Its hard to be a GOOD mom, and NOT something that should be taken so light hearted. My husband LAUGHS at me b/c my 10yr old has a Barbie doll house, and I DON"T let her allow KEN upstairs. Ken can visit the bottom story, of the 3 story house,and is NEVER allowed upstairs in the bedroom. I think its NEVER to early to talk to kids about the STANDARDS they should have for there self, and I plan to do EVERYTHING I can to educate and talk to Gena about WAITING. My Niece is 13 and her classmate is PREGNANT. The STUPID MOTHER ( she doesn't have a father in her life) ALLOWED her to have 'sleep over's at the boyfriends house, and for him to "Sleep over" in her home,and SLEEP in the girls bed. Gena on the other hand is NOT allowed to sleep over at ANY friends home if they have a brother ( unless the brother is gone from the home.)
